Below are links to files you can pull up and print to help you to learn the basics of reading music.
Note: In Windows to download any of the files simply right-click on the Icon and click save target as.
* On a Mac simply option-click on the Icon to immediately copy the file to your downloads folder.
- The Staff
- Time Signatures
- Accidentals
Staff |
Hi/Lo |
Treble Clef |
Bass Clef |
Treble Leger |
Bass Leger |
Grand Staff |
4/4 Time |
Rests |
Notes/Rests |
Note Stems |
3/4 Time |
1/8th Notes |
2/4 Time |
1/8th Rests |
Intervals 1 |
Intervals 2 |
Intervals 3 |
6/8 Time |
2/2 Time |
Slurs/Ties |
1/16th Rests |
. 1/4 Notes |
. I/8 Notes |
Sharps/Flats 1 |
Sharps/Flats 2 |
/Naturals |